Wednesday, March 31, 2010

DHS Hiring

More jobs ! This is great !
Well, it's good that they are jobs.
It's not really good that they are
government jobs. But they are jobs.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

British Defense Giant Buys VT Group

Foriegn corporations buying U.S. corportations has always
had a blurring affect on outsourcing. Some jobs stay and
some jobs go.

Boeing Tankers

I'm sure this would create American jobs.
However, Boeing outsources parts of its aircraft.
Engines are made by GE, Rolls Royce, Pratt Whitney etc.
Also brakes cables even the wings are outsourced for most
commercial aircraft. A lot of these components are made
in other countries. So don't get to excited about bashing
Airbus. It's a political thing.

Lost Green Jobs

I still say; why don't the guys in Washington understand?
When corporations outsource jobs to India and China they
are getting rid of their own tax base. Yet they keep expecting
us, unemployeed or not, to keep paying taxes.
What's wrong with this picture??

Friday, March 26, 2010

Inherently Government Jobs ??

Maybe this will open up some public sector jobs.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Proposed Labor Department Rule

This is going to have an affect on us contractors.
I don't mean the companies. I mean individuals.
Hope it's a good direction.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

President Signs Jobs Bill Into Law

Let's see if this helps.
Wonder how long it will take to affect us?

Florida Job Fair

I recieved an email from Senator LeMieux with this link embedded.
It's another job research tool. Good luck !!

Monday, March 15, 2010


As long as this outsourcing is to companies
within the United States. Fine. The government
should keep all the jobs here.
Why is it that our government still doesn't get
the idea, when you push jobs out of this country
you destroy the tax base. And they continue to
raise taxes. Who's suppose to pay taxes without
a job. It's so simple that I can understand it.
And I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

More Oil In Old Oil Fields

This should add a few jobs in California.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jobless Claims

I guess it's gonna be slow recovery.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jobless Claims Bill

This is good for the unemployed.
Although I'm not sure of the impact a
provision gives business for hiring the
unemployed. It would exempt employers from
Social Security payroll taxes on new hires
who were unemployed.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


(click title for link)
If you are not in the workforce right now
it would be wise to get a certificate for this.
MS DLC (Microsoft Digital Literacy Course.)
Even if you have been exposed to everything this course offers, more
and more companies are having you take the flash tests to prove it.
It's free.
It couldn't hurt.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Shuttle Shutdown Countdown

A lot of tacticle information here.
Before you loose the job.
What to apply for.
Where to apply.
Shutdown timeline.
Political injections.

New Normal Becomes Old Normal

(click on title for article link)
More hope !!
Market is looking up.
Looking good.
Doing well.
Export more stuff.
Hire more people.
Get this engine going.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

3 Important Tips For The Unemployed

(click on title for story link)

If you haven't done it.
Do it.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Jobless Rate Stabilizes

There is hope !!
Looking up.
Looking good.
Follow thru...

Lockheed, Northrop Get 1 Billion Contract

I hope this translates to a lot of jobs.
We need them !!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Stimulus-Funded High Speed Rail Likely To Lose Money And Be Built By Chinese Companies

Why is it that congress & local government expect
corporations to retain jobs here in this country
and then turn around and outsource and in some states
sell our infrastructure to foreign intrests.
If you remember there are toll roads in northern Indiana
and Illinois that now belong to business in other countries.
Our ports are controlled by business in other countries.
If the Chinese build our high speed rail systems with
their technology and money, will they then own the infrastruture?
We, with our dollars, pay for these projects. Then, after they
are built, we pay to ride and if they don't break even, we
pay to subsidize.
Why do we have ITAR laws?
Why do the idiots in Washington wonder why the tax base
is shrinking?
They are giving it all away.........

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fed Asks Card Companies to Review Interest Increases

Oh yeah, please police yourselves.
That's gonna work.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

ARPA-E Money For The Clean Energy Revolution

If this agency has the kind of money that DARPA doles out to business
for R&D. All you flegling energy companies step up and slop the hog.

Contracts For Women Owned Business

A lot of guys are about to give a lot of business control
over to a lot of women. This should be interesting.

Jobs for Retirees, Boomers & Seniors Rising in 2010

This is a good article from Jan. 2010.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

USPS Cutting More Jobs

I guess sooner or later electronic transactions
are gonna be the only form of mail. Then the banks
and everyone else online will start charging fees.

Senate Passes Jobless Measure

These guys should be jobless for a while.
Like a lot of us are.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Politics Puts 2000 Fed Employees Out Of Work

Is there maybe some way that we can do this to congress.
Put them out of work that is (vote ALL of them out).
Get a new batch. Younger, less partison. Just a thought.