Friday, March 5, 2010

Stimulus-Funded High Speed Rail Likely To Lose Money And Be Built By Chinese Companies

Why is it that congress & local government expect
corporations to retain jobs here in this country
and then turn around and outsource and in some states
sell our infrastructure to foreign intrests.
If you remember there are toll roads in northern Indiana
and Illinois that now belong to business in other countries.
Our ports are controlled by business in other countries.
If the Chinese build our high speed rail systems with
their technology and money, will they then own the infrastruture?
We, with our dollars, pay for these projects. Then, after they
are built, we pay to ride and if they don't break even, we
pay to subsidize.
Why do we have ITAR laws?
Why do the idiots in Washington wonder why the tax base
is shrinking?
They are giving it all away.........

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